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3 x 10ml – 100mg/ml

Testosterone Propionate is a fast acting ester of testosterone. It tends to cause less bloating estrogen related side effect than other tesotosterones and due to the fact that the testosterone is bonded to a short ester chain means more actual testosterone per mg of the drug. The downside of course is more frequent shots. If you are looking to do some test but not look all that bloated and don’t mind sticking yourself more often then you will love prop.

The downside of testosterone is that by adding extra testosterone your body will try to regulate it and eliminate the excess testosterone in a number of different manners. It will down regulate it by converting some to estrogen, and will stop natural production as well. This lead to estrogen related side effect as well as a suppression of your hormonal axis which will leave one in a testosterone deficient state once testosterone replacement is discontinued. The more common side effects of testosterone enanthate can include:

  • acne
  • pain and swelling at injection site
  • hair growth
  • gynecomastia (breast enlargement)
  • more frequent erections
  • erections that last longer than normal
  • mood swings
  • headache

We do not suggest the use of testosterone for women. It is highly androgenic and will easily cause virilization. There are a miriad of altered testoterone derivative that will help with muscular growth that are not as likely to cause the irreversible side effect of virilization; deepening of the voice, body hair growth, clitoral enlargement. Not something most women desire.

For Testosterone Propionate dosages, typically males inject 25-150mg every 2-3 days.